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Blending Modes

The blend mode of a layer determines how the layer interacts with the layer immediately below it to produce a visual result. When applying the blend mode, the image editor goes through every pixel in the layer and the corresponding pixel in the layer below. The blending operation is performed using the two pixels to determine the final pixel that should be in the pixel position.

Currently the gifgit online image editor has seventeen blend mode:
  1. Normal
  2. Lighter
  3. Multiply
  4. Screen
  5. Overlay
  6. Darken
  7. Lighten
  8. Color Dodge
  9. Color Burn
  10. Hard Light
  11. Soft Light
  12. Difference
  13. Exclusion
  14. Hue
  15. Saturation
  16. Color
  17. Luminosity