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Resize GIF

Upload and resize your GIF with this simple intuitive GIF resizer tool. The GIF resizer tool allows you to make an animated GIF larger or smaller by editing the width and/or height dimension values or by using a percentage value to scale them. The width and height can be scaled proportionally to preserve the aspect ratio, or they can be resized independently to scale each dimension at different ratios.

Why resize GIFs?

Animated GIF files tend to be much larger in size than MP4 or other compressed video formats with similar content. While you can ignore large dimension JPEG or MP4 files and allow the browser to resize the content to fit smaller space in your HTML pages, it is best to initially reduce the size of an animated GIF. Making a GIF smaller by reducing its physical dimensions reduces the amount of data in the file. This saves considerably on storage space and data transfer bandwidth.

How To Resize GIF Online

Resizing a GIF is done in a few simple steps:
  1. Click the 'Choose File' button to upload a .gif file from your computer. The dimensions of the gif file are loaded in the width and height input fields and proportional scaling is enabled by default.
  2. To scale the gif proportionally simply enter values in the width, height or scale percent (%) input field leaving proportional checked. This preserves the aspect ratio of the original gif by automatically adjusting the other dimension when you change the width or the height.
  3. To resize the width or height independently uncheck the proportional checkbox. Changing the width or the height will not automatically adjust the other dimension to preserve aspect ratio.
  4. Click the 'Resize GIF' button to generate and download your resized gif file.

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